Ultrasound (UZ) is a non-invasive diagnostic method for imaging organs. This method uses high-frequency ultrasound waves to obtain an image of the human body. Many diseases in the initial stages (and even longer) do not produce any symptoms, while they can be detected very easily with preventive ultrasound examinations. Sound waves…
Ultrazvučni pregledi
Ultrazvuk (UZ) je neinvazivna dijagnostička metoda za snimanje organa. Ova metoda koristi ultrazvučne talase visokih frekvencija za dobijanje slike ljudskog tela. Mnoge bolesti u početnim stadijumima (pa čak i duže) ne daju nikakve simptome, dok se veoma lako mogu otkriti preventivnim ultrazvučnim pregledima. Zvučni talasi veće frekvencije od 20000Hz koje…
Anoskopija – specijalistički pregled zadnjeg dela debelog creva
Anoskopija je metoda pregleda završnog dela probavnog trakta tj. pregled analnog (čmarnog) kanala. Anoskopija se izvodi šupljim, kratkim, 10 cm dugim instrumentom (anoskop) na koji se priključuje izvor hladnog svetla koji omogućava prikaz svih anatomskih struktura analnog kanala kao i patološke promene u samom kanalu (hemoroidna bolest, fisure, fistule, abscesi,…
Dental tourism
What are dental implants? An implant is a titanium screw that is inserted into your jaw and is a replacement for the root of a tooth. A crown is then placed on it – which will look like a healthy, natural tooth. Dental implants are made of hypoallergenic materials. Most…
Blood and bone marrow cancer is leukemia, and at the very beginning let’s get to know what bone marrow is. It represents the spongy bone tissue, and the role of the bone marrow is to produce blood cells: white and red blood cells as well as platelets. White blood cells…
Lung cancer
Lung cancer Lung tumors can be malignant (malignant) and benign (benign). Lung cancer is a malignant tumor. It is not a contagious disease and cannot be transmitted from person to person. Malignant tumors consist of pathologically altered cells that have the ability to spread beyond the site of their origin.…
Colon cancer
Colon cancer, or colorectal cancer, is one of the most common malignant diseases, which is equally common in both sexes, most often in people over 50 years old. Colon cancer ranks third in frequency after lung and breast cancer. Colon cancer is a malignant tumor that can be localized on…
Cervical cancer
Cancer (carcinoma) of the cervix is newly formed tumor tissue, with malignant characteristics and invasive spread into the surrounding structures, blood and lymph. Cervical cancer is a malignant (malignant) epithelial tumor localized on the part of the uterus or in the cervical canal. It most often occurs between the ages…