Ultrasound (UZ) is a non-invasive diagnostic method for imaging organs. This method uses high-frequency ultrasound waves to obtain an image of the human body. Many diseases in the initial stages (and even longer) do not produce any symptoms, while they can be detected very easily with preventive ultrasound examinations.

Sound waves with a higher frequency than 20000Hz, which cannot be perceived by the human ear, are called ultrasound . Ultrasound passes through various tissue-media, which provide a certain resistance. At the boundary of two mediums that have different acoustic resistance, part of the energy will be reflected, and the other part will be refracted into the other medium with a new speed and a new wavelength. If the pulse is repeatedly sent through some tissue, and the reflected part is continuously registered, an image of the boundary surface between the two media is obtained .

Weak ultrasound is used in medicine

Experiments as well as clinical experience have not proven that this ultrasound causes tissue damage. The Committee of the World Health Organization, based on long-term tests and research, allowed the use of ultrasound for medical purposes. This method is safe and can be used in medicine in proper diagnostic and therapeutic indications. The harmful effect of ultrasound used in medicine has not been proven.

3D and 4D ultrasound

The rapid development of new technologies, as well as the improvement of the standard two-dimensional image in ultrasound diagnostics, led to the development of diagnostic 3D (three-dimensional) and 4D ultrasound systems, whose non-invasive and simultaneous „real time“ interactive nature is ideal for use in gynecology and obstetrics.


The creation of a three-dimensional image is based on a combination of serial two-dimensional images, volume scanning and the technique of bifocal lenses. The most significant advantages of improved ultrasound and 3D ultrasound techniques in recent years are:

In addition to the great value of 3D ultrasound in the assessment of congenital anomalies of the female reproductive system, recent research shows that 3D ultrasound in combination with 3D power doppler imaging of blood vessels is a method that is able to significantly increase diagnostic accuracy in the preoperative assessment of suspicious findings on the ovary. The simultaneous display of the tumor in three planes (longitudinal, transverse and frontal) allows not only the measurement of the volume and the display of the external appearance of the tumor, its relationship with the neighboring organs, but also the comparative display of the internal image of the tumor as well as intratumor changes.

What does the review look like?

It has already been emphasized that the examination is painless, non-aggressive and harmless to the patient, and it can provide significant data and thus facilitate the establishment of an accurate diagnosis for the doctor who refers the patient to the examination. Also, ultrasound examinations can be done as a preventive measure, that is, regular systematic examinations at a certain age (along with the heart, along with the thyroid gland, abdomen, breast, doppler blood vessels of the neck, etc.), which you can do in our institution at affordable prices in as part of the examination package for women and men.


1. Color Doppler of neck blood vessels and Transcranial Color Doppler

Doppler of blood vessels of the neck is one of the most important examinations in neurological patients, in addition to imaging methods of brain tissue. The examination is painless, non-invasive, without harmful radiation and can be repeated.

It is used in patients who had weakness and tingling in half of the body, loss of vision in half of the field of vision, loss of sensation in half of the body, dizziness. This examination provides a large amount of information about the appearance of the blood vessels of the neck and the flow that can be measured. It also provides a picture of the venous flow. It also provides a group of information that will guide the patient towards additional diagnosis and treatment. The examination is recommended for all patients suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, smokers, and increased blood lipids.

2. TCD (Transcranial Doppler)

 – is a supplement to the previous review. With it, it is possible to measure the flow through the anterior, middle and posterior cerebral arteries as well as through the arteries of the cervical occipital basin. The conditions examined by this method are related to diseases of the blood vessels of the brain. Blood vessels are examined through the temple, eye and occipital windows.

3. Neck ultrasound

– involves a US examination of the soft tissues of the neck, lymph glands, etc.

4. Ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland

In case of suspected thyroid disease, in addition to a clinical examination, an ultrasound examination is mandatory, this examination best diagnoses: nodular goiter, especially cystic goiter, chronic autoimmune thyroiditis (HAT) and provides a reliable insight into the size and volume of the thyroid gland.

5. Ultrasound of the salivary glands

6. Color Doppler of the blood vessels of the legs or color Doppler of the blood vessels of the hands

It provides data on the state of the blood vessels, and is recommended when the patient complains of tingling, coldness, cramps in the extremities.

7. UZ of the breast and axillary region

The role of ultrasound is significant in differentiating solid from cystic lesions, as well as in characterizing lesions that contain both components. Given the possibility of using Doppler sonography, there is the possibility of determining the blood supply of a visible lesion with US and thus assessing the malignancy, i.e. the benignity of the change. It is especially suitable for examining younger women (up to 40 years old), pregnant women and women at high risk of breast cancer (positive family history). Mammography is still the „gold standard“ in the diagnosis of breast diseases, however it has its limits and limitations, especially in young breasts with a high prevalence of the glandular component, as well as in breasts with a dense consistency, so that certain lesions remain unrecognized on mammographic examination.

8. Abdominal ultrasound

A diagnostic method that aims to show the structure of various organs in the abdominal cavity, classic ultrasound of the abdomen has limited possibilities in the diagnosis of conditions and diseases of hollow organs (stomach, duodenum, small and large intestine) due to the presence of air and contents in them. Endoscopic methods are used for examination of the mentioned organs (gastroduodenoscopy – endoscopic examination of the stomach and duodenum and colonoscopy – endoscopic examination of the entire length of the large intestine).

9. Classic ultrasound examination of the abdomen

It provides detailed insight into the size and structure of parenchymatous organs: liver, spleen, pancreas, biliary system (gallbladder and bile ducts), kidneys, adrenal glands. With this method, the abdominal part of the aorta, the urinary bladder and the prostate in men can be visualized.

When scheduling an examination, the patient receives instructions from our staff on how to prepare for the imaging.

Thanks to the simplicity and harmlessness of the examination, ultrasound is a reliable and effective method for detecting and monitoring various diseases of the abdominal organs, such as: congenital anomalies, inflammatory changes – acute and chronic, cysts, benign and malignant tumors, cirrhosis of the liver, calculus (stones) of the gall bladder sacs and kidneys, the presence of free fluid in the abdominal cavity, aneurysms (enlargements) and atherosclerotic plaques (deposits) on large blood vessels, injuries.

Situations in which an ultrasound examination of the abdomen is mandatory are:

  • Stomach and/or back pain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Sudden enlargement of the abdomen
  • Injuries in the abdominal area
  • Unclear febrile conditions


10. Ultrasound of the prostate (transabdominal and transrectal) and scrotum and testicles

– he works as a urologist, and at Euromedik we have a Urology package on sale, which includes a specialist examination with the placement of a Dg and the determination of therapy, if necessary.

11. Pelvic ultrasound  (transabdominal and transvaginal)

(transabdominal and transvaginal), can be done as part of a gynecological package, together with a specialist examination by a gynecologist. This method is successfully used in the diagnosis of pregnancy, as well as in the monitoring of fetal vitality (monitoring of fetal heart actions).

12. Hip ultrasound (children 0-12 months)

It is done as a screening for hip dislocation in babies from 3 months of age